Stop Burning the Midnight Oil. Design Better Lessons, Faster, with AI.

Everything you need to supercharge your curriculum design:
/ monthly
  • Unlimited Access To 500+ AI Tools
  • 200 Generations/month per tool
  • Our Smartest AI Assistants
  • Designed For Instructional Designers
  • 3-Day Free Trial

Frequently Asked Questions

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What Makes Curriculum Architect Different from Other Instructional Design Tools?
Most instructional design tools are clunky, outdated, and require a steep learning curve. Curriculum Architect is different. Our AI-powered platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, so you can start creating engaging lessons in minutes. We’ve also built our tools around proven instructional design frameworks like Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gagne’s Nine Events, ensuring pedagogical soundness.
Will AI Replace My Job as an Instructional Designer?
Absolutely not. Curriculum Architect is your AI sidekick, not your replacement. Our tools handle the time-consuming grunt work, freeing you up to focus on what you do best: crafting creative, effective learning experiences. Think of it as having an extra pair of hands (and a super-smart brain) to help you design the best possible lessons.
Can I Try Curriculum Architect Before I Commit to a Paid Plan?
Yes! We offer a free 3-day trial with full access to our Professional plan features. You can explore our entire toolkit, generate curriculum content, and see firsthand how much time you’ll save. No credit card required.
How Does Curriculum Architect's AI Actually Work?
Our platform is powered by cutting-edge GPT technology, a type of large language model (LLM) that has been trained on a massive dataset of text and code. When you use our tools, the AI analyzes your input and generates tailored content based on your specific needs and proven instructional design frameworks.
What Makes Curriculum Architect's AI So Effective?
We’ve built our AI around leading instructional design frameworks, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy, Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, and Universal Design for Learning. This ensures that the content you generate is not only engaging but also pedagogically sound and aligned with best practices.
Can I Customize the AI-Generated Content?
Absolutely! Curriculum Architect is a tool to empower you, not replace you. You have complete control over the content we generate. Easily go back and forth with the AI to edit, refine, and personalize it to match your unique teaching style and your learners’ needs.

Created by Curriculum Architect LLC. ©2024 All rights reserved