Unwrapping Standards Framework

Comprehensive framework for effectively unwrapping educational standards to improve instruction and assessment. Covers key steps, benefits, and best practices for collaborative standard unwrapping.

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What is a Unwrapping Standards Framework?

Unwrapping standards is a critical process in instructional design and curriculum development, particularly within the framework of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). It involves taking a complex learning standard and breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components called learning targets. These targets clarify the specific knowledge, skills, and understandings students must acquire to demonstrate mastery of the standard. This process fosters a deeper understanding of the standard’s intent and creates a clear roadmap for effective instruction and assessment.
The book “Make It Happen: Coaching With the Four Critical Questions of PLCs at Work®” highlights the importance of unwrapping standards as a crucial step in answering the first critical question of a PLC: “What do we want students to know and be able to do?” The authors emphasize that without unwrapping standards, teachers might have different interpretations of the standard’s meaning, leading to inconsistent instruction and student learning outcomes.
The process of unwrapping standards typically involves the following steps:
Annotating the Standard: This step involves highlighting key elements within the standard using a specific notation. The authors recommend bracketing context-related information, circling the verbs, and underlining significant nouns or noun phrases.
Identifying Learning Targets: Using the annotated standard as a guide, teachers collaboratively identify the specific “knows” (knowledge) and “dos” (skills) students need to master to achieve the standard. This results in a list of learning targets that represent the smaller increments of learning that build toward the overall standard.
Identifying Academic Language: Teachers identify any academic language or vocabulary students should learn and be able to use in relation to the standard. This can include terms that are explicitly stated in the standard or those that are implied but necessary for understanding the concept.
Examining Rigor: The team examines the identified learning targets to determine their level of rigor, often using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) framework. This helps ensure that assessment items are aligned with the cognitive complexity intended for the target.
Concrete Example:
Let’s consider a standard from the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts: “Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors, similes, and personification.”
Here’s how unwrapping this standard might look:
Annotated Standard: [Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors, similes, and personification.]
Learning Targets:
Know: Definitions of metaphors, similes, and personification.
Do: Identify examples of metaphors, similes, and personification in a text.
Do: Explain the meaning of metaphors, similes, and personification in the context of the text.
Academic Language: Metaphor, simile, personification, figurative language, literal meaning, figurative meaning.
Rigor: The learning targets could be classified at different DOK levels:
DOK 1: Define metaphor, simile, personification.
DOK 2: Identify examples of metaphors, similes, and personification in a text.
DOK 3: Explain the meaning of metaphors, similes, and personification in the context of the text.
Unwrapping standards provides a number of benefits for teachers and students:
Clarity and Focus: By breaking down complex standards, teachers gain a clearer understanding of the intended learning outcomes and can focus their instruction on the most essential elements.
Targeted Instruction: Teachers can design more targeted and effective lessons that directly address the identified learning targets.
Meaningful Assessments: Assessment items are more likely to be valid and reliable when they are aligned with the specific learning targets that have been identified through the unwrapping process.
Student Understanding: Students gain a clearer understanding of what they are expected to learn and can track their progress as they master each learning target.
Unwrapping standards is an essential practice for teachers who want to ensure that all students achieve at high levels. It provides a shared framework for collaboration, promotes a deeper understanding of the curriculum, and ultimately leads to more effective instruction and assessment.

How to write a Unwrapping Standards Framework Document

Unwrapping Standards: A Comprehensive Implementation Framework
This framework outlines a systematic approach for effectively implementing the concept of unwrapping standards in practice. It is designed to be adaptable to various contexts and ensures a collaborative and data-driven process.
Phase 1: Foundation & Preparation
Build Shared Understanding:
Conduct a staff-wide professional development session to introduce the concept of unwrapping standards.
Explain the rationale behind unwrapping, its benefits for instruction and assessment, and its connection to PLC work.
Share research and examples of successful implementation of unwrapping in various contexts.
Establish a Collaborative Culture:
Facilitate discussions around the importance of collaboration in unwrapping standards.
Establish team norms that promote active listening, respectful dialogue, and shared decision-making.
Choose Standards to Unwrap:
Encourage teachers to collaboratively select standards for unwrapping, prioritizing those deemed essential for student learning.
Consider factors such as grade level, content area, and alignment with district/school goals.
Phase 2: Unwrapping Standards & Developing Learning Targets
Use a Structured Protocol:
Introduce a structured protocol for unwrapping standards, outlining specific steps for:
Annotating the standard: Bracketing context, circling verbs, underlining key nouns/noun phrases.
Identifying learning targets: Define the “knows” and “dos” required for mastery.
Identifying academic language: List key terms students need to understand.
Examining rigor: Determine the DOK level of each learning target.
Provide Examples and Modeling:
Model the unwrapping process using a sample standard, demonstrating each step of the protocol.
Offer opportunities for teachers to practice unwrapping standards in small groups, providing feedback and guidance.
Develop Assessment Items:
Guide teachers in developing assessment items aligned to the unwrapped learning targets.
Emphasize the importance of matching assessment item types to the DOK level of the target.
Encourage the use of both constructed-response and selected-response items to assess a variety of skills and knowledge.
Phase 3: Implementation & Refinement
Pilot and Gather Data:
Pilot the unwrapped standards and aligned assessments in the classroom.
Collect data on student performance and teacher feedback.
Reflect and Revise:
Analyze data from the pilot phase to identify areas for improvement.
Revise unwrapped standards and learning targets as needed.
Modify assessment items based on feedback and data analysis.
Integrate into Instruction and Assessment:
Incorporate unwrapped standards and learning targets into daily instruction.
Regularly use aligned assessment items to monitor student learning and provide feedback.
Sustain the Process:
Establish a routine for ongoing reflection and revision of unwrapped standards and assessments.
Create a collaborative system for sharing best practices and resources.
Encourage ongoing professional learning on unwrapping standards and assessment design.
Key Considerations:
Time Management: Schedule dedicated time for collaborative unwrapping, recognizing its importance.
Teacher Support: Provide ongoing support to teachers throughout the process, addressing questions and concerns.
Alignment with School Goals: Ensure that unwrapped standards align with school-wide initiatives and goals.
Student Voice: Consider student feedback and perspectives on the learning targets and assessments.
Benefits of Implementation:
Enhanced Student Learning: More effective instruction and assessments lead to improved student achievement.
Collaborative Culture: Unwrapping standards fosters a culture of shared responsibility and continuous improvement.
Teacher Growth: Teachers develop a deeper understanding of the curriculum and assessment design.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Data from assessments inform instruction and help teachers make effective instructional adjustments.
By implementing this comprehensive framework, schools and districts can effectively utilize the process of unwrapping standards to improve the quality of instruction and foster student success.


Instructional Strategies & Techniques (General)

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